Thursday, August 4, 2011

Closer Look at Balance

Composing a decent balance creates a wide variety of benefits in any person's lifestyle. No, no, I'm not talking about the balance in your bank account, but the balance as you're moving, thinking, and doing. A good balance creates a better you; it helps with better mind processing, posture, and strength.

In mind processing development of balance, this can lead to an infinite number of objects to consider. For example, going back to the eating post Dynamic, Delightful, Destructable, a good diet is composing a good balance in how much you eat, when you eat, and what you eat. Another example would be knowing when to work, and knowing when to provide time for yourself. Too much work leads to stress, and overall an unhappier lifestyle. Too much time for yourself may result in you being homeless, or just becoming lazy. Keeping balance in mind is not only just about how well you can stand on a fine piece of rope, but in how you live your life as well.

Balance helps with posture! Standing straight and keeping your core hips in a position of no slouching will improve your overall posture in how you walk, run, and sit. Due to the effects of good posture, this will lead to easier breathing. Proper breathing patterns will help lead to thought processes. Because of this, it is indeed an important aspect to consider.

Strength is usually the first thing noticed when someone exhibits another performing an excellent example of balance. For example, gymnasts show an incredible amount of strength through their practices of balance and timing. While this is definitely a more physical approach to balance, it is one that cannot be forgotten when looking into it.

Overall the type of balance that I like to consider to be most important is the mind processing portion. Only because with developing a good balance in most of what I am doing leads to a happier lifestyle -- I try to exercise a good balance in everything, however feel that is impossible to do because of the unknown properties that I'm not considering in a given moment. Simply balance is just another piece of the puzzle for something to think about. Nothing to completely stress over, because then the balance of that thought process would be overwhelming, but rather just another aspect of becoming a better person. If handling your bank account with a balanced budget is going successful, then you're practicing a good mind processing balance. Think about how you exercise balance in a daily basis, and you'll see that there is always at least one thing that is going well with it, whether it be gaming, physical exercise, or schoolwork. Thanks for reading, and thanks for the support everyone!


  1. balance in life is one of the most important things to achieve. both in mind and body

  2. Nice post, I love your blog!

  3. Although assaild with fortune fierce and keen, Following!

  4. Some good info here, my posture is terrible.

  5. I believe balance is extremely important in life. The universe maintains a certain balance itself (every action has a reaction) and if you don't balance your life out it will be balanced for you when it's less convenient.

  6. gotta balance my diet. ive put on some weight. too much soda! :(

  7. I just got a job as a busser, and let me tell you, I am definitely learning a thing or two about balancing my tray full of dirty dishes!
