Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Attitude Perspective

The way a person reacts to anything, creates a consequence no matter what happens. Whether it be frustration, bliss, or sadness, each emotion can change the atmosphere of a situation almost instantly.

Being an optimistic individual gives life a more fulfilling experience. Taking in each event and looking at it positively brings back positive results. It's almost like an investment, where if you put in positive energy into a given situation, you'll more than likely get a positive reaction back. This allows a more gratuitous, fantastic, and prodigious lifestyle in the course of anyone's life. Staying positive is an optimum way of living everyday.

Now while being positive has its upsides, being the opposite is the same consequence. Negativity goes out, negativity comes back. I'd like to stay off the topic, only because of the previous sentence.

There are given times where negativity or positivity just comes out. That's fine. Being positive 100% of the time disrupts a balance in yourself, almost feeling like you're holding it all in. The reverse however, is much more detrimental in my opinion. My suggestion in a balancing scale would be to be about a 70:30 ratio with positivity in favor of course.

Food, focus, and balance all come back in this post by guiding a more positive lifestyle. Staying healthy, focused on a subject, and not going overboard on anything all help towards staying happy. The consequence though is being disciplined enough to keep it all in tact. Stay positive, stay balanced, stay happy people!


Just a heads up on why I'm a little late on this post:

First of all I apologize. I've become occupied by just becoming an uncle approximately 16 hours ago, along with being accepted to a University and taking care of the paperwork. I had a difficult time picking a topic to write on, but I felt that with positivity being reinforced, it will not only help everyone who takes it to the next level, but help myself in keeping stress to a balanced and optimistic level. Either way I hope people didn't forget the blog, I'm still here!


  1. Interesting post, I agree with this!

  2. nice read! congratulations on becoming an uncle!

  3. Congratulations on becoming an uncle! Being positive really changes your outlook on life and changes how you treat people, and then that changes how people treat you. I always try to be positive and maintain a good attitude no matter how hard it may be. Giving into negative energy and cynicism is easy, but if you do it, it'll only poison you. Being mad at someone is pointless. Holding on to negative energy is pointless. It's like drinking poison and expecting the other person to get hurt. Nope. You're only getting hurt.

    That's why we should be positive. I agree with your post a lot. It doesn't matter what you have or don't have. It's all in perspective.

  4. @GENETICS I wholeheartedly agree. Also thank you, it's still a new feeling, but great of course. :)

    I think this video is relevant.

  6. Keep positive, good advice. When life gives you lemons, make sour whiskey.

  7. Attitude is incredibly important because it's the one thing that we always have control of. Good post.

  8. I can't stay positive.. I'm pissed off or bored or just not happy too often. :/

  9. Good advice, a healthy mind is just as important as a healthy body.

  10. i always find that staying positive definately makes you feel better. nice blog dude, followed!

  11. This is exactly the way I figure. What good does it do to be negative all the time? might as well see things in a positive light!

  12. I agree, energy feedback loops will affect you without your noticing. Your experience is all down to perception which is highly influenced by your attitude. The better your attitude, the better your experience, which results in a better attitude, etc.
    If life gives you a hole, plant a seed in it!
    Really diggin the articles, you've gained a follower.

  13. staying positive is the best way to be happy, but sometimes is harder
