Sunday, July 31, 2011

Infinity, Incredible, Immeasurable

One of the most interesting things about life is the ability to learn. Whether it be a mistake that was made, a lesson from a teacher or mentor, or even if it was from the self, there is always something to learn out in the world.

The most interesting concepts that I came across this weekend was learning how to teach. The idea of teaching seems very easy, bland, and at some points boring. However, with real experience in doing so, it is one of the most difficult tasks I have ever had to do in my lifetime. The teachings that I present are not of the normal education system, but rather the realm of Martial Arts, whether it be philosophical or physical. Either way, the ideas and concepts are very difficult to pass forward into a new student.

I find the more I teach, the more I learn about what I am teaching. It's a fair trade-off, and has made me curious about what my K-12 teachers experience when they are instructing everyone through Mathematics, Language, History, and Sciences.

The main purpose to this post is to illustrate that there is no such person that knows everything as long as time is present. In each subject, there is an infinite amount of information into account. Whether it's Quantum Mechanics into Physics, Number Theory or varieties of it in Mathematics, or understanding situations of when to use a particular technique in Martial Arts, there is always a vast amount to learn.

This weekend has enabled me to learn so much about another important aspect of life. The ability to pass information on to another being through visual, audio, or kin esthetic varieties. I believe it is important, and will be forever important for anybody due to family experiences, passing on with generations, and having a student or accomplice to teach for.


  1. very interesting if i may say so

  2. I agree that the passing of information is essential for the growth of humanity. It is also interesting to analyze how one can learn from their own teachings, further improving their skill of the specific expertise.

    Tell if you know, ask if you don't.

    Duane Alan Hahn

  3. Glad to hear you learned alot.

  4. Leaning makes the world go round!

  5. Interesting. 'Teacher' 'student' relationship is very interesting; the teacher, while teaching, is also learning; and the student is also teaching the teacher, because the teaches improves, gains experience. The teacher and the student are separate roles but at the same time the are one. Don't you think? Will follow your blog closely.

  6. cool read, keep making more and thx for the follow

  7. Interesting point of view.

  8. Interesting to say the least. Thanks for the great article.
